
Hello! I’m Uma Victor, a spirited and innovative software Developer with a flair for creating seamless and functional web applications. With 4 years of hands-on experience in the dynamic world of web development, I’ve had the privilege of transforming abstract concepts into tangible realities, crafting experiences that resonate with diverse user bases.

My journey in the realm of technology began with a fascination for solving puzzles and a profound interest in the building scalable & functional web applications, leading me to specialize in TypeScript and Next.js. I’m a firm believer in the power of continuous learning and am always on the lookout for emerging trends and technologies that can elevate user experiences to new heights

When I’m not immersed in coding and exploring new tech, you might find me writing tech articles, making youtube videos or playing video games, which I believe adds a unique perspective to my professional journey and fuels my creativity.

I’m passionate about leveraging my technical skills and creative instincts to make a meaningful impact in the tech world, and I’m excited about collaborating with like-minded individuals and teams to create groundbreaking solutions.